Determine What Is The Acne Remedy For You
What is acne exactly?- Acne is a very common skin condition that occurs when oil glands are overactive. Instead of the oil lubricating and coating the skin evenly it get's trapped in pores with dirt, dead skin cells and hair plugging the follicle and causing infection. The cause of the acne must first be established before a suitable acne remedy can be identified.
Identifying acne- Acne is often wrongfully diagnosed because of the conditions' resemblance to other skin problems. Features such as excessive oily skin, white and black head break-outs and large bumps on and under the skin will be present when the patient suffers from acne.
Types- Acne can inflammatory and non-inflammatory in nature, depending how serious the condition is. White- and black heads are considered non-inflammatory acne. White heads form when oil and bacteria plugs pores just below skin surface. Whiteheads are least visible of all the acne types. Blackheads are formed in the exact same manner whiteheads do with oil and dirty plugging pores. However black heads' colour is derived from the melanin and oxidizes contained in the oil changing colour. Blackheads' are the most stubborn acne to get rid of. Washing or scrubbing alone will not be sufficient with sebum content taking a very long time to drain. Papules and Pustules are inflammatory in nature due to the extreme pain and discomfort caused by the legions. Papules form with follicle wall breakage and white blood cells rushing to the pores causing intense inflammation after a couple of days. The inflammation may increase to such an extreme that the papules collapse totally and Nodules or Cysts are formed.
Causes- Acne break-outs can be triggered by an endless list of causes such as bad eating habits, lack of proper hygiene, insomnia, vitamin deficiency, stress, hormonal changes during puberty and pregnancy.
Treatment options- An endless range of acne treatment options are available from natural and herbal remedies to prescription medication in the form of antibiotics, ointments and topical creams.
Natural- Natural remedies are effective, affordable and easy for treating acne break outs. Mother nature has an acne remedy that will suit everybody. ACV or Apple Cider Vinegar is wonderful treatment for clearing acne and acne scars. Soak a cotton ball with ACV and dabbing the affected area, leave overnight. Calamine Lotion not only soothes and calms chickenpox but also dries and clears acne. Just dab a bit of lotion on the spot and leave to dry. Aloe gel or sap has a wonderful cooling and soothing affecting on the acne with regular application.
Hydration- Skin hydration is absolutely essential for combating acne. This is easily achieved by drinking a lot of water. The water will detox and flush-out built up toxins in a natural and safe way. You will notice the difference in just a couple of days. Your skin will be radiant, soft and glowing.
Supplements- Acne is often caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals in your diet. The nutrients are easily replaced by consuming a vitamin supplement daily.
Professional analysis- It is essential to have your skin condition analysed by a professional such as a Physician or Dermatologist, he or she will be able to recommend the best treatment for the acne. The acne treatment should absolutely match you skin and acne type.
Identifying acne- Acne is often wrongfully diagnosed because of the conditions' resemblance to other skin problems. Features such as excessive oily skin, white and black head break-outs and large bumps on and under the skin will be present when the patient suffers from acne.
Types- Acne can inflammatory and non-inflammatory in nature, depending how serious the condition is. White- and black heads are considered non-inflammatory acne. White heads form when oil and bacteria plugs pores just below skin surface. Whiteheads are least visible of all the acne types. Blackheads are formed in the exact same manner whiteheads do with oil and dirty plugging pores. However black heads' colour is derived from the melanin and oxidizes contained in the oil changing colour. Blackheads' are the most stubborn acne to get rid of. Washing or scrubbing alone will not be sufficient with sebum content taking a very long time to drain. Papules and Pustules are inflammatory in nature due to the extreme pain and discomfort caused by the legions. Papules form with follicle wall breakage and white blood cells rushing to the pores causing intense inflammation after a couple of days. The inflammation may increase to such an extreme that the papules collapse totally and Nodules or Cysts are formed.
Causes- Acne break-outs can be triggered by an endless list of causes such as bad eating habits, lack of proper hygiene, insomnia, vitamin deficiency, stress, hormonal changes during puberty and pregnancy.
Treatment options- An endless range of acne treatment options are available from natural and herbal remedies to prescription medication in the form of antibiotics, ointments and topical creams.
Natural- Natural remedies are effective, affordable and easy for treating acne break outs. Mother nature has an acne remedy that will suit everybody. ACV or Apple Cider Vinegar is wonderful treatment for clearing acne and acne scars. Soak a cotton ball with ACV and dabbing the affected area, leave overnight. Calamine Lotion not only soothes and calms chickenpox but also dries and clears acne. Just dab a bit of lotion on the spot and leave to dry. Aloe gel or sap has a wonderful cooling and soothing affecting on the acne with regular application.
Hydration- Skin hydration is absolutely essential for combating acne. This is easily achieved by drinking a lot of water. The water will detox and flush-out built up toxins in a natural and safe way. You will notice the difference in just a couple of days. Your skin will be radiant, soft and glowing.
Supplements- Acne is often caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals in your diet. The nutrients are easily replaced by consuming a vitamin supplement daily.
Professional analysis- It is essential to have your skin condition analysed by a professional such as a Physician or Dermatologist, he or she will be able to recommend the best treatment for the acne. The acne treatment should absolutely match you skin and acne type.
About the Author:
When you are truly want to cure acne, it's time to take action and make a lifestyle change! Check out our acne remedy store for acne treatment products and skin care.
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