Get Ex Girlfriend Back With This Promise

By Johnnie S Laney

Perhaps you find yourself in this position. Your girlfriend broke up with you and gave you the boot. Now you understand that you made some mistakes. You really miss her and you want her back.

How do you go about getting her back? Well, it depends, because there are different strategies for different causes. But a lot of guys lose their women because they take them for granted, don't make them feel valued and appreciated.

Perhaps your girlfriend lost interest in you because she felt taken for granted or that you didn't pay her enough attention. Relationships often drift apart for these reasons. Can you still get her back?

If these are the main reasons you lost her, then the answer is yes, sometimes you can get her back. You need to understand something and promise something. Here's what you need to understand. Women need to feel valued and appreciated. Really.

You need to understand that to have a chance at getting her back. If you stop showing that you value and appreciate your girlfriend, she will feel taken for granted.

So if this is the situation you find yourself in, then you can get her back sometimes with a promise. And what you do is promise to value and appreciate her from now on. Its not quite that simple, but that is the jist of it.

To begin with, you should admit to her what you now understand. Tell her that you made a big mistake by not appreciating her. Then tell her you have truly learned from your mistakes. Then promise to show her how much you appreciate her if she'll give you another chance.

If you really mean it, this can be the kind of thing that will touch her heart and get her to think about taking you back. There is more to this immediate reconnect strategy, but this understanding and promise are key steps.

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