An Highly Contagious "Bug" That Could Heal the World

By Michael Kaufman

As the heading of this article suggests, I'd like to discuss a new strain of virus that every person on earth would benefit from being infected by.

Interestingly enough, viruses have a couple of unique characteristics, which, if directed in a useful way, can have a massive positive effect on everyone we know. You see, most importantly, viruses typically spread VERY rapidly through a population. In addition, once a person succumbs to a viral infection, those that he or she infects with that same virus will generally display very similar symptoms to the initially infected person. In the following paragraphs, I'd like to explain how these two virus characteristics can be "used for good", through the use of the web and the US Postal System.

The "Paying it Forward" Bug

You've probably heard the phrase "pay it forward" at least once in your life. The fact that this particular phrase is so widely recognized is likely due to you having heard of or seen a movie that was released nearly 10 years ago, bringing the book "Pay it Forward" to the big screen. In the movie (and the book that inspired it), the phrase "Pay it Forward" was intended to mean that an individual should, when a good deed was done for them, pay it FORWARD to three new people, as opposed to paying it BACK.

Of course, the premise of paying a good deed forward instead of back is actually an old one, pre-dating even Benjamin Franklin who, in 1784, explained the concept with the following words:

"I do not pretend to give such a Sum; I only lend it to you. When you [...] meet with another honest Man in similar Distress, you must pay me by lending this Sum to him; enjoining him to discharge the Debt by a like operation, when he shall be able, and shall meet with another opportunity. I hope it may thus go thro' many hands, before it meets with a Knave that will stop its Progress. This is a trick of mine for doing a deal of good with a little money."

It is also valuable to point out, I believe, that "paying it forward" shouldn't always have to involve the giving of money or doing physical labor, although, in many cases, it does. A much simpler approach to "paying it forward" is described in great detail on my new site, but here is the premise of the site (and the vision) in brief.

Virtually Everybody Desires Encouragement & Appreciation

Almost a century ago, Charles Schwab was named by Andrew Carnegie to be the president of the new United States Steel Company. His starting pay: ONE MILLION DOLLARS per year or approximately $3,000 per DAY (at a time when a $3,000 ANNUAL salary was considered to be very good pay).

By Schwab's own testimony, he was given this immensely hefty salary because he knew how to get the most from an employee.

Said Schwab, "I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among my people the greatest asset I possess, and the way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement."

This high regard for encouragement and appreciation of others is what is designed to multiply via the "pay it forward" ideal but in a simple, yet viral manner which, hopefully, will reach millions of people.

A Simple Matter of Mailing Out a Greeting Card

It is difficult to imagine just exactly why a simple piece of heavy cardstock with an photo and a message can have such a powerful positive effect on an individual that's been going through a difficult situation (or maybe even if they haven't). Just the simple act of letting them know how much you appreciate them and the talents they possess. Or, a word of congratulations for a new promotion.

You might even use a card to invite them to have lunch with you or to let them know you'll be bringing them a meal this Saturday. Or, even better, encourage them to help someone else as well. Not only will they uplift someone else, I can guarantee they will also feel better because they were able to help someone else.

Many people could use a reminder that they are truly special and have value and that they have gifts that not a single other person has which could be used to help people. It doesn't matter how old or young they are, how sick they might happen to be, how difficult their life may currently be, how many mistakes they may have made, they STILL have alot to offer, but nobody will know that unless they actually offer it. It need not even require alot of time or money to encourage someone. A very simple card can mean alot and might be just what the doctor ordered.

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