How To Be More Attractive To Men: Fast, Simple and Effective

By Sally Webb

Every woman wants to be attractive, but if you want to know how to be more attractive to men, you should stop buying into those media that keeps on convincing skinny supermodel represents what men want in a woman. For your information, it is either they are air-brushed, or painted with the best range of cosmetics out there. Trying to achieve that kind of look everyday is just a losing battle. Plus, men are not that superficial anyway.

Despite all ladies wanting to be more attractive, competing with ridiculous beauty standards is a losing battle and unrealistic. Unless your name is Barbie (which means you only look for men by the name of 'Ken'), you will be real. Don't you think it is great news that women don't have to waste so much money on laser surgery, lash extensions and cosmetic tattoos just to be more attractive to men? After all, you only want to attract men you want to date, and beauty is in the eye of beholder. So if you want to know how to be more attractive to men, simply do the following steps:

1. Never fake a laugh, or a fake grin.

A nice smile is not an ear-to-ear weird looking grin, it is a warm heart-melting smile that lots of men find so attractive in a woman. A nice smile is easy to do, it is a real smile. You don't have to find a reason to smile, but there is nothing worse than a fake smile. Have you ever talked to a long gone relative and they give you a fake smile? It is fake isn't it? And also, have you ever talked to a man and they laugh unnecessarily to all your not-so-funny sentences? Again, you don't want to come across like that.

2. Be confident of who you are.

No one can judge how attractive you are but you. It's true. Basically, if you know you are attractive (and you really know), No one will disagree with you. Not only you will be more attractive to men, you will also be more attractive to others in general - talk about getting more friends, more invites to social events and hence...more MEN.

3. Dress to flatter your assets, not fashionable.

Men are visual creatures, and men do not give a damn about the 'latest fashion trends' in Cleo. Many women dress to impress other women, not men. So if you'd like to impress your sex-in-the-city little lady group, put on the newest fashion trend, including the designer expensive bag and the 'new winter look' fashion. But remember that if you want to know how to be more attractive to MEN - not to your girlfriends - you need to learn how to dress to flatter your assets, whether or not it's the latest trends.

Plus, it's probably better to own something that last longer than just three months. It will also save some money too. So if you think you are gifted somewhere e.g. your backside or your chest, show them off. Just show what you've got (without being trashy of course). Find clothing that works for you EVERY time and stick to them. Men don't care less if you are wearing a pair of jeans from four seasons ago, so go and grab a pair of make-your-bum-look-good jeans from the 'last season' in the next Christmas sale and go with them.

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