How To Improve Your Writing

By Rudra Vina

It's frequently a misconception that you have to be born with writing talents. This is really false. Writing skills can be developed even one is generally a deplorable writer. The golden convention rule is that is the more you rehearse the more you will acquire better writing skills.

There is no doubt that there are natural writers. There are gifted writers. But writing is a skill that they acquired as a child and probably did not acquire naturally like good looks for instance. People are born with good looks and a very high intelligence levels. However the gift of writing can be learnt over time.

Nonetheless, it is perfectly possible with less writing skills to acquire it later in life. Some tips to improve writing skills are as follows.

First pick a topic you are passionate about and then write everything you know about it. Read it and see what you think. This will give you some sort of idea how good or bad you are. Give your piece to someone to read and evaluate and ask them to mark them for you. This will then give you another perspective from someone else's eyes. If you and your evaluator come to a conclusion that it's bad, then its time to join a local writing classes to improve your writing.

If you don't want to join any class then spend about 15 minutes reading the dictionary. Pick up a page, any page and then look up the meaning of those words. There are often words with similar meanings, you should read about it. Once your have understood a particular world, write about the word. Choose another random word, read it and then write about it.

In addition, all of the time read about diverse subjects for next six weeks. Take up any respectable book from the library and follow through it. Do not read it as if it is a novel however read slow and pay exceptional care to the structure of the sentences. Then sum up the book in your own writing. Over time you will undergo a lot of improvement.

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