Ingredients for Homemade Acne Treatments

By John Knights

You can make homemade acne treatments using organic and natural ingredients which are found in our environment. This is very safe, economical, and done in the comfort of your own home. There are neither doctors involved here nor some painstaking prescriptions to follow every now and then.

Basically, washing of the face with a mild soap and clean water is necessary. Mild soap can be an ordinary soap that does not contain any harsh ingredients that may irritate the skin. An alkaline-based soap is best for this type of regimen for they leave no coarse minerals on our skin. This type of soap is also very supple on the skin and leaves a smooth and refreshing feeling.

As much as possible avoid pricking any of the infected are for they can cause scarring. You hands are carriers of bacteria and they can worsen the infection. Never apply any astringent or toner that is alcohol-based for they will cause the untimely eruption of the skin leaving black spots on the affected area.

You can use the ordinary lemon fruit as a follow up cleanser for it has a natural therapeutic effect. The substance is also an organic and natural ingredient for homemade acne treatments. Cotton has fibers that are sometimes left on the skin and adds up to the infection. It is better to use a clean and sanitized cloth rather ran using cotton when applying the lemon extract.

If you like to do some face masks, you may use oatmeal mixed with egg and some drops of fresh lemon juice. Blend well and apply the mask on the face for at least thirty minutes or even longer. When you are done you may wash again your face with the same procedure as above. These are very simple steps and natural way of preparing homemade acne treatments.

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