Substance Abuse Intervention Can Save Someones Life

By Brian Garvin

There are a number of reasons why drug abuse intervention can save a life. There can be absolutely no procrastination as to whether or not to you should initiate an intervention to rescue someone from this destructive cycle.

Save Lives with a Drug Abuse Intervention

Depending on where the addict gets their drug of choice, the possibility of bodily harm, or even death, for their self or those around them is a real one. The individuals that deal drugs are not a friend in any sense of the word, especially in that particular atmosphere, even though the addict might think so. The addict actually believes that their dealer is their best friend. To bring trouble to a person they have met in that environment could easily lead to a very bad ending.

Save Legal Trouble and a Criminal Record

Not if but when an addict is captured while under the influence, having paraphernalia that indicates use or while actually getting a "buzz", extreme trouble with the law as well as a police record will certainly follow. The costs of legal representation, bail and other incurred expenses can, and will, be something that most users or their family does not have to spare. Besides the fact that the addict can possibly serve time in prison, those charges will mar their permanent record forever. So even after going through a program to quit, it will be very hard to land jobs or find a home to live in. If jail time is the outcome, it will be traumatic to the point of not being able to re-enter society.

You Will Be Healthier

If the addict is not hurt or even killed in the process of "scoring", the damage done by the drug itself is substantial. Again, untimely death is highly possible from this damage from the use of the drugs. OINce a person quits using, the health changes will be significant and their physical abilities will also increase as well, but it will take some time. As example, the ex-addict will have the ability to be more active without that "tired" feeling, memory will increase and last longer, and they likely breathe better.

Enhanced Quality of Life

When a user quits using the drugs, he/she is reminded of life's better things. Focus on things like starting school, getting a job or rebuilding relationships with those that they hurt, emotionally and possibly physically, will be much easier and more rewarding. The time, money and energy that used to be spent in search of drugs can now be better used. Addicts who have recovered successfully will gain self esteem from sharing their experiences other addicts and help them to recover as well.

If you or someone you know or love needs to be placed in drug abuse intervention, it is vital that you make that move as soon as possible. A life depends on it and, considering all the positives that will occur, why wait?

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