Surviving The Most Devastating Break Up Ever

By Anne Torres

If you are one of the numerous people around the world wondering how to survive a breakup, there are a lot of great things you can do, that will help make the healing process move along at a more quick pace. It is normal to be blue after the ending of a relationship. But you can make that low period a little shorter by following some of the outstanding advice below.

Accept the End

You do not have to accept it eternally but you do not to accept that at the moment the relationship is over. This is what will allow you to begin the healing progression and avoid calling, writing, texting, or driving by the house of your ex. Don't instigate contact with your ex at all and avoid contact if he or she instigates it and at least until you have reached that point of acceptance.

Allow Yourself to Grieve

It is normal to grieve the end of a relationship. Allow yourself time to do just that. This doesn't mean you need to lock yourself in your home or apartment with all kinds of unhealthy foods, games, or depressing music. It means that you need to avoid dating someone else until you have had the chance to process the full scope of emotions left over from the breakup. Many people think that the best way how to survive a breakup is by jumping into another relationship. Unfortunately that new relationship is often doomed to failure.

Keep Busy

If you fill your time with things to do that are enjoyable and/or fulfilling you will find that you are too busy to get caught up in your grief.

Do things in the company of friends, take pottery classes, and learn to shoot a handgun, or take classes at a community college. Keep yourself too busy to invest a great quantity of effort thinking about your ex or your lack of a relationship. You also put up yourself up when you make efforts to perk up yourself. This is a good thing to do in spite of of your relationship status as it helps you turn out to be a more rounded person and it gives you something to do as a person rather than focusing your life on activities that are designed for couples.

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