How to Handle a Breakup If You're Still In Love With Your Ex

By Jane Mccarthy

If you find yourself trying to figure out how to handle a breakup when you are still in love with your ex, this is a very painful place to be. You are experiencing all kinds of conflicting emotions while at the same time wanting to get back with your ex.

In figuring out how to handle a breakup when what you really desire to do is to get back together with your lost love, a detailed plan of action is necessary. Two objectives need to be accomplished. The first is that you must deal with the emotional hurt and pain inflicted by the separation. The second is that you need to get yourself into a prime spot where you will be able to get back with your ex.

The first part is probably the hardest. With all the varying thoughts going through your mind, you need to get yourself together mentally and emotionally. To accomplish this, you need to take two major steps:

1. Take a little time to yourself

This is a vital step toward determining how to handle a breakup and deal with all the emotional pain surrounding it. Take some time to yourself to examine what you think and feel about the breakup. Attempt to figure out (as truthfully as you can) the things that were wrong with the relationship and what you can do to changes things and keep these things from happening again.

2. Take your mind off of your ex

Following some days of clearing your thoughts, the next step toward being able to cope with and learn how to handle a breakup is to direct your mental focus away from the relationship and towards making yourself better. Obtain a fresh new look. Do some charity work. Help others in some way. This will take your mind off of the pain surrounding the break up and give you a more confident attitude.

Following the completion of the first part of the strategy, the second part shouldn't be too hard to pull off. The hard part will already have been accomplished-knowing how to handle a breakup mentally and emotionally, the only remaining component is to call up you ex and ask them to have a casual meeting with you.

Since some time will have passed since you last saw your ex, it is likely that they are missing you as much as you miss them. When you meet, dazzle them with a new look and a confident attitude. Show them that you have it all together and have learned how to handle a breakup. This will likely make you irresistible to your ex and put you in the best possible position to restore the relationship.

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