How To Save A Marriage In Therapy

By Sabrina Summerfield

Why is it that most couples end up in therapy or counseling of some variety when their marriage gets so confusing and painful that they can't bear it themselves? There is an assumption that a third party will somehow be able to save a marriage by doing some of the work. So, how does this really work for them?

If you fall into this category seeking help with marital issues, it all hinges on how you go into your therapy sessions. You have to realize right from the start that there is no guarantee that someone else can fix your marriage. Ultimately, the real work has to be done by you and your spouse.

People that go into their sessions expecting the therapist or counselor to validate their own thoughts and feelings and fix the problems that they see in their mate are the ones that come out disappointed. What a therapist really provides is objectivity, not validation. The mindset has to be different if this approach is going to work for the couple.

You both have things that you do completely right and other things that you are screwing up. The job of a couples therapist is to help you sort out the real issues from the futile so that you can fix this mess you mutually created.

Marital problems are always deeper than someone not taking out the trash or constantly being late for dates. What the therapist wants to do is get beneath all the squabbling and figure out what is really driving all the unhappiness and ultimately wrecking your relationship.

If you don't fix the deeper issues the marriage will only continue to unravel.

So, what do you do to make your sessions actually work? You go in with a selfless attitude. You just listen to what your spouse has to say without getting up in arms or being defensive. You have to genuinely listen to how they think and feel without placing blame.

A husband who flies off the handle because his wife says she is lonely may shout out that he has to work because she sits at home with the kids earning nothing. This is defensiveness that prevents him from really hearing that she is lonely. This is what doesn't work.

That is extremely hard to do, but if you can both force it at first then things will get easier. You have to remind yourself that the other person's problem doesn't always mean something negative about you. If you can do this, then chances are high that you can save a marriage through counseling.

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