Root Chakra

By Carrie Spry

Throughout our body, we have seven main chakras or energy centers. This article will be based on the first chakra, known as the Base or Root Chakra. This chakra is located between the anus and the genitals, around the base of the spine.

All other chakras get their power from this chakra. It represents our survival instincs and the earth. It controls our procreational and primal erotic urges. The Root chakra is related to our sense of grounding in the physical world and is the center of physical energy. It gives us the ability to connect to earth energies in order to empower our being.

Contained in this chakra are the 8 primary cells that have all the knowledge of creation. These cells remain the only cells in our bodies that do not change in our lifetimes. All issues around physical self-preservation, stability, acceptance, deep-rootedness, perception, fear, stillness, health, prosperity, and safety are governed by the Root chakra. It is the center for manifestations.

Each chakra can have one of four stages, closed, under-active, open and over-active. Chakras that are closed or under-active exhibit the same behaviour, the closed ones are more extreme.

The following exhibits symptoms of an under-active or closed Root Chakra, weak, unable to achieve goals, lack of confidence, fear, insecurity, no sexual energy, suicidal, unloved feelings. All in all the individual will have a core sense of unworthiness, shame and self-doubt. These individuals have often addictive personalities, are controlling and materialistic.

If your Root chakra is open you will have a great physical body, unlimited physical energy and the ability to manifest abundance. You will feel alive, healthy, centered and grounded. You love your body and your life.

An over-active Root chakra has the following characteristics, egoistic, domineering, greedy, sadistic, sexual energy entirely genital, judging, and usually has biased opinions. You can help tone done your root chakra by wearing the color green and taking the time to enjoy each moment.

The Root chakra's colors are red and black. You can wear these colors to balance this chakra. Also, stones can be used to help balance the Root chakra. The element for the 1st chakra is earth and the chakra is associated with smell. The developmental stage for this chakra begins in the womb and is usually completed by 1 year. This chakra's demon is fear.

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