4 Easy Stress Control Tips.
You can control short term stress by using these four simple tips.
Count to 10.
This is what some mothers tell their kids when they become angry. It is very effective. Next time you feel stressed or recognise the early signs of it, count to ten. You can do it quietly or speak it out. It does not matter.
This is all you need for simple stress or if you recognise it early. Someone once burst into my consulting room, angry, stressed and about to have a heated argument with me. I told him to go back out, slowly count to ten, then come back in and perhaps we can have a meaningful conversation. Surprisingly it worked a treat. Some people prefer to count down from ten to zero. This way it feels as if you are scaling down stress and at zero, it is gone.
Take a deep breath.
It is best to breathe in through your nostril. Breathe in slowly and deeply. Fill your lungs completely and if you can, hold it to the count of four. You then slowly breathe out through your mouth.
Do this a few times and you will be aware that you are becoming calmer as your breathing slows down. This is something you can do anywhere. All you need to do is take a "breather". It is quick and simple but reduces stress effectively. You can make it even more effective by using visualisation. Create in your mind a picture of stress leaving your body and spilling into your lungs as you hold your breath and, as you breathe out, you are expelling all the stress.
Get up and walk about.
A good way to relieve stress quickly is to leave whatever you are doing. Just get up and walk away. This enforced break will calm you down, help you to get to grips with the problem and find a solution. To remove the stressful situation from your mind, try doing something completely different. Your Subconscious Mind works on a solution while you are pleasantly distracted. This is a technique used by Morgan Stanley. When confronted with a problem and the solution was not forthcoming, he would play solitaire. Soon several ideas to solve his problem would shine through.
If you can take a long break, go to the park. Being close to nature is relaxing. Experts say your brain synchronises with the earth's frequency. Your brainwave slows down to a level that produces peace and tranquillity. If at home, do some house chores. Clean the house. Either get the duster or vacuum cleaner out. This helps to put the problem completely out your mind and when you return to your task, your approach will be different.
Talk to someone or write a journal.
Write a journal or have a chat with someone. This will help to control stress. When you talk to another person, you are sharing and the problem may not seem so difficult. If that someone is knowledgeable in your field of work, you may get different ideas on how to approach your problem.
The best stress buster often is a simple idea. An idea that is the basis for a solution to your problem. Once you have this breakthrough, you feel motivated and impelled. You are energised and focussed. Bad stress becomes the good stress that produces great results.
Writing a journal is also a good stress buster. It highlights the specific items that stresses you. Putting it down on paper transfers it into words that you can either keep or discard. This is an outlet for stress. So if you are alone, or there is no one to talk to when things are going wrong, put it in your journal. Ink on paper is the next best thing.
Count to 10.
This is what some mothers tell their kids when they become angry. It is very effective. Next time you feel stressed or recognise the early signs of it, count to ten. You can do it quietly or speak it out. It does not matter.
This is all you need for simple stress or if you recognise it early. Someone once burst into my consulting room, angry, stressed and about to have a heated argument with me. I told him to go back out, slowly count to ten, then come back in and perhaps we can have a meaningful conversation. Surprisingly it worked a treat. Some people prefer to count down from ten to zero. This way it feels as if you are scaling down stress and at zero, it is gone.
Take a deep breath.
It is best to breathe in through your nostril. Breathe in slowly and deeply. Fill your lungs completely and if you can, hold it to the count of four. You then slowly breathe out through your mouth.
Do this a few times and you will be aware that you are becoming calmer as your breathing slows down. This is something you can do anywhere. All you need to do is take a "breather". It is quick and simple but reduces stress effectively. You can make it even more effective by using visualisation. Create in your mind a picture of stress leaving your body and spilling into your lungs as you hold your breath and, as you breathe out, you are expelling all the stress.
Get up and walk about.
A good way to relieve stress quickly is to leave whatever you are doing. Just get up and walk away. This enforced break will calm you down, help you to get to grips with the problem and find a solution. To remove the stressful situation from your mind, try doing something completely different. Your Subconscious Mind works on a solution while you are pleasantly distracted. This is a technique used by Morgan Stanley. When confronted with a problem and the solution was not forthcoming, he would play solitaire. Soon several ideas to solve his problem would shine through.
If you can take a long break, go to the park. Being close to nature is relaxing. Experts say your brain synchronises with the earth's frequency. Your brainwave slows down to a level that produces peace and tranquillity. If at home, do some house chores. Clean the house. Either get the duster or vacuum cleaner out. This helps to put the problem completely out your mind and when you return to your task, your approach will be different.
Talk to someone or write a journal.
Write a journal or have a chat with someone. This will help to control stress. When you talk to another person, you are sharing and the problem may not seem so difficult. If that someone is knowledgeable in your field of work, you may get different ideas on how to approach your problem.
The best stress buster often is a simple idea. An idea that is the basis for a solution to your problem. Once you have this breakthrough, you feel motivated and impelled. You are energised and focussed. Bad stress becomes the good stress that produces great results.
Writing a journal is also a good stress buster. It highlights the specific items that stresses you. Putting it down on paper transfers it into words that you can either keep or discard. This is an outlet for stress. So if you are alone, or there is no one to talk to when things are going wrong, put it in your journal. Ink on paper is the next best thing.
About the Author:
Dr. Phil Hariram, the Author has a blog with posts on topics such as what causes stress and there are numerous stress management tips for you. Visit his blog and grab his gift of a self hypnosis audio and an eBook to gain better stress control.
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