Advice For Relationships

By Arthur Fiend

Listen up fellows, if you are not considered smart or in the very least, witty. Then you better walk, no, sprint like Renaldo Nehemiah, to you're nearest bookstore and grab the first book you see. Run to the counter and pay for it, then start getting smart.

Education is important and in the world of I am smarter than you, nothing speaks louder than a great educational pedigree. The importance of being smart in this high-tech, high-energy world of ours has come to its zenith.

If you are lagging behind in school, not making the grade because you are watching too much of "Making the Band", then you better be turning off the television and turning on your mind. There are dumb guys who must settle for the dregs of society being happy to having a warm body to cuddle up with at night. Then there is you, the brainiac-maniac, King of the game!

Take things nice and slow at first while you are getting to know the woman. Why rush into things? There is no biological time clock going off in your elemental makeup, so chill. Take a pill of chill and listen up. I used to rush into things and as fast as I talk they would run away screaming. One did not, so I married this beautiful green-eyed vixen and life has been great since day one. Will you be so lucky? Probably not, I admit it, I was very lucky and I talked my way into a relationship but I also carry with me a few essential upgrades.

I am smart, well-endowed, and clever. I uphold the golden rule of common sense and practice what I preach. I also take it slow now, even though I do not have to its funnier that way. So take it all nice and slow my friend, it will pay off in the end. Its certainly not the only way to succeed, there are plenty of men who are pick up artists that arent smart, that dont take things slow, but if you want to get a girlfriend, its a different mindset, and you need to take things slow.

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