Muscle Building Tips, Why am I not Growing?

By Ricardo d Argence

That is one of the most frequently asked questions around the world by bodybuilders. After all you are training hard, with good muscle building nutrition in your diet, yet your gains are still minimal.

The feeling of frustration can be extremely demotivating after so many months of hard work. So, what exactly is the answer? Well, there are a few likely causes, see if any of these ring a bell with you, together they show you how to build muscle up:

1) Are you consuming enough calories? Under eaters could be the real name for many hardgainers. As this really is a massive cause of lack of muscle mass. Consuming frequent high calorie meals is the key to build muscle mass!

If by chance you're struggling to find out how many calories you need to ingest, we recommend eating every two hours. When it's snack time; be sure to eat lots of yogurt, protein bars, dried fruits and nuts. Then of course is you need a protein shake or two along the way be our guest.

2) Are you getting enough protein? To build muscle mass fast you should get per pound of body weight 5 grams of protein. Excellent protein sources include: chicken, fish, turkey as well as dairy products.

One thing to understand here is that you need to have excess calories so you can grow. Keep in mind you do quality over quantity when it comes to calories, but you can cut them later. If you want to make sure it's quality protein then we recommend purchasing those huge tubs of whey protein.

3) Then of course you can't forget about your workout. If you have spent a ton of the time in the gym doing the same routine over and over again, it's going to create a little dullness. In fact, it could be the difference between you actually enjoying your bodybuilding workouts, or simply going through the motions to build muscle mass.

The best way we believe to do this is by using different variations. Maybe instead of using the same routine, this time you do everything backwards. Maybe you go through a faster routine with less in between breaks. Then again, maybe you just need a week to relax and allow the body to completely recover.

4) Are you getting enough down time? When was the last time you saw someone go into the gym pump iron and then walk out half a stone heavier? Never. Clearly then you build muscle mass when you are at home and not when you are lifting barbells. You will certainly be limiting your muscle growth if you are not getting enough rest time. If anything you should be giving yourself too much time to grow as opposed to too little.

Try decreasing your session to just one workout per muscle group per week. Also decreasing the amount of sets done for each body part, try just 3-5 intense sets per bodypart per workout. Think that is not enough, try it and watch the results!

5) Water Consumption. Another crucial part to your build muscle mass bodybuilding campaign is getting enough water. Considering our body is made up of 80% water, it's probably important to drink plenty of it.

So take a few moments and reflect on the tips and information we've provided today. All you have to do is implement the ones that you haven't considered, then just let the rest take its course.

In the end it all comes down to change when trying to build muscle mass. Any one of your bodybuilding workouts now can be useful, but adding a bit of variety can make all the difference. Now it's time to hit the weights and utilize as many as you can.

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