Law Of Attraction - How To Use It To Stay Focused In Your Online, MLM Or Home Business - 4 Simple Steps

By Sam Levitz

Over the last 2 years, there have been a flood of people talking about the Law of Attraction and how it can bring you everything you dream of. If you simply imagine it, it will come. Right? Isn't that what the movie told us?

Nonetheless, it wasn't working for almost all of us. We imagined the results and hoped for the best to happen, but all our waits went vain. Thinks never worked out in the way we imagined.

It's time to analyze what went wrong.

I was looking for the roadmap, something to TELL me what to do, actually lay it out for me. Let me share with you, what I have experienced to be the most powerful way to implement the Law Of Attraction for your Online, MLM or home business.

Step 1

In step 1, you want to be brutally honest with yourself as to where you are right now, in this exact moment. I don't mean, "laying in bed" or "on the computer", I mean what are you FEELING right now, how are you experiencing your life and your situations?

To start the analysis, you should admit that "Ok, I have been into this business for about a year and totally, my losses were $7000 to till date and I have not made any progress."

You will have to admit to yourself that "hey, I have been doing this for a year now and I have actually lost $6000 to date, whoa, that stinks."

Step 2

You are now proceeding to the fun part of using law of attraction for running successful online, MLM or home business. Now, you have to "Imagine" your success. You have to "dream" about becoming the most coveted expert distributor earning $100, 000 a month. You will be enjoying the wealth and wish to spend a vacation in the Mediterranean Sea. Imagine yourself enjoying the beach vacation in one of the luxury villas, bronzing under the sun and gazing at the beauty of the sea. Enjoy yourself being there and say "Woo Hoo".

Step 3

Now you have imagined and we are ready to get started with the practical applications of the law of attraction for your own online, MLM or home business. Starting with the analytical things is more appropriate.

In this step of the practical application of the Law Of Attraction for your Online and MLM home business, we begin with the analytical. I would like you to write ten (10) incantations or affirmations. These affirmations MUST be put in the present tense. And, most importantly, I want you to begin with the words "I am", end them with the word "NOW."

Let me give you an example:

"I am an extraordinary leader in my MLM home business NOW!" "I am a MONEY MAGNET now"! "I am an amazing husband/wife to my husband/wife now!" "I am healthy, wealthy, and LOVE my life NOW!" "I am the owner of a new 2009 Mercedes Benz 500 class NOW" "I am making $250,000 of income in my MLM home business now!"

As you write on what you want to achieve, don't limit yourself with only a few things. You deserve every fun and exciting thing in your life and you want to make everything come true.

I will give you an illustration:

When you have prepared yourself to ask for your dreams, the universe will get to you and give you what you want.

Step 4

This is probably the most important step of them all. The Law of Attraction when applied to your Online or MLM home business, will work on Steroids if you use this final step correctly.

Step 4

This is the final step in using law of attraction for your online MLM and home business. You can set your business on wheels only if you follow this step correctly as specified.

You will be successful if you have filled the gratitude section with real gratitude. I don't want you to write down these things with mere words. FEEL how it feels and don't control your emotions.

"I am so grateful to have a wonderful spouse NOW!" "I am so grateful for everyone in my family and each of my friends who extend their amazing love NOW!" "I am so grateful to be blessed with nutritious food NOW!" "I am so grateful for having found the greatest opportunity that brings me huge profits with my online MLM home business NOW!"

The most important thing with the final gratitude step is that you have to FEEL everything for yourself. Don't use paragraph fillers, but write out of your heart. Its ok to cry when you want to express your gratitude because your LIFE is absolutely yours.

Then, we have to summarize how we can use the law of attraction for being successful in our online, MLM or home business and get results at the earliest.

Ok, let's summarize how you can apply the Law of Attraction for your Online or MLM home business today, step by step and actually experience immediate results. By the way, this is a practice you want to do every day. Once a day is fine, or, even better, first thing in the morning and the last thing before sleeping.

To start the exercise, you will find out what your point A is. Understand where you are standing in your life. Then, you will start dreaming about what you want to be if you are given magical powers to make your dream come true.

Then, write down 10 positive things you are fond of and don't forget to start the list with "I am" and end with "Now".

Finally, tie it all together by writing down and speaking out loud, at least five (5) things that you are grateful for in your life.

I strongly urge you to put this into practice immediately for whatever dreams or desires you may have. This is the same process that I use personally and it is what I teach all my mentor students who come into my Online mentoring program. Why? It works.

I will be more than happy to know how the powerful simple exercise tool of applying law of attraction for online, MLM or home business has helped you.

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