CompTIA Training Providers In Detail

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By Jason Kendall

There are four A+ exams and specialised sectors, but you're just expected to achieve certification in two to be thought of as qualified. For this reason, many educational establishments simply offer two. Yet learning about all 4 will give you a far deeper level of understanding of your subject, which you'll find a Godsend in the commercial world.

In addition to learning how to build and fix computers, students on A+ courses will have instruction on how to work in antistatic conditions, along with remote access, fault finding and diagnostics.

If your ambition is taking care of computer networks, add the excellent Network+ to your training package. Taking this course as well will prepare you to assist you greatly in the job market. You may also want to consider the route to networking via Microsoft, in the form of MCP's, MCSA or the full MCSE.

It's usual for students to get confused with one area of their training which doesn't even occur to them: The way the training is divided into chunks and physically delivered to you.

Drop-shipping your training elements piece by piece, according to your own speed is the usual method of releasing your program. Of course, this sounds sensible, but you should consider these factors:

What if there are reasons why you can't finish every single section? And what if you find the order of the modules counter-intuitive? Because of nothing that's your fault, you may go a little slower and therefore not end up with all the modules.

For future safety and flexibility, it's not unusual for students to make sure that every element of their training is posted to them in one go, with nothing held back. That means it's down to you how fast or slow and in what order you'd like to take your exams.

Many men and women are under the impression that the traditional school, college or university path is still the most effective. Why then is commercial certification becoming more in demand?

Vendor-based training (in industry terminology) is most often much more specialised. Industry is aware that this level of specialised understanding is vital to meet the requirements of an increasingly more technical workplace. Adobe, Microsoft, CISCO and CompTIA dominate in this arena.

Many degrees, for instance, often get bogged down in too much background study - with a syllabus that's far too wide. Students are then held back from understanding the specific essentials in enough depth.

It's rather like the advert: 'It does what it says on the label'. All an employer has to do is know what they need doing, and then match up the appropriate exam numbers as a requirement. That way they can be sure they're interviewing applicants who can do the job.

Some training providers supply a practical Job Placement Assistance service, to assist your search for your first position. Don't get overly impressed with this service - it isn't unusual for eager sales people to overplay it. At the end of the day, the still growing need for IT personnel in the UK is the reason you'll find a job.

Bring your CV up to date as soon as possible however - you should get plenty of help from your training provider on this. Don't wait until you've qualified.

A good number of junior support jobs have been offered to students who are still studying and haven't got any qualifications yet. This will at least get you into the 'maybe' pile of CV's - rather than the 'No' pile.

If you'd like to get employment in your home town, then you may well find that a local (but specialised) recruitment consultancy can generally serve you better than the trainer's recruitment division, due to the fact that they're far more likely to know the jobs that are going locally.

Please be sure that you don't conscientiously work through your course materials, and then just stop and leave it up to everyone else to find you a job. Get off your backside and start looking for yourself. Put as much energy and enthusiasm into landing your new role as you did to get trained.

If you're like many of the students we talk to then you're quite practically minded - the 'hands-on' personality type. If you're like us, the world of book-reading and classrooms is something you'll make yourself do if you have to, but you'd hate it. Consider interactive, multimedia study if books just don't do it for you.

Studies have time and time again verified that connecting physically with our study, is much more conducive to long-term memory.

Modern training can now be done at home via easy-to-use DVD or CD ROM's. Instructor-led tutorials will mean you'll learn your subject via the expert demonstrations. Then you test your knowledge by interacting with the software and practicing yourself.

It would be silly not to view some of the typical study materials provided before you sign on the dotted line. What you want are videoed instructor demonstrations and interactive modules with audio-visual elements.

Avoid training that is purely online. Physical CD or DVD ROM materials are preferable where offered, so you can use them wherever and whenever you want - it's not wise to be held hostage to a good broadband connection all the time.

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