Persuasion Techniques That Don't Work--An Intro to Dark NLP.

By Dr. Anthony Taylor

Every person knows that there are unique styles of hypnosis. Some styles of hypnosis are used to help people give up smoking, and other styles of hypnosis are used for mind control and manipulation. This is a somewhat complex issue to address because there is often a thin line between intellect control hypnosis and Ericksonian Hypnosis

Ericksonian Hypnosis has done wonders in therapeutic settings. But as we fully deliberate the scope of Ericksonian Hypnosis, we must also understand how it is related to NLP. John Grinder and Richard Bandler invented NLP through their observations of Ericksonian Hypnosis and how the principles of Ericksonian Hypnosis hypnotized people human behavior in clinical settings For this reason NLP and Ericsonian Hypnosis have so many similar qualities, because they are related to each other to the extent that they can be considered sister arts.

Now, many years ago there was a man who went by the name of Ross Jefferies who studied NLP language patterns, and based on what he learned he formed speed seduction Speed Seduction taught people to use Ericksonian Hypnotic language patterns to seduce women, but this method of seduction was proven to be unsuccessful as many men failed in their efforts to use it. It was a consequence of their failures that other male seduction schools were established that did not rely upon Ericksonian Language Patterns to seduce the opposite sex.

But this movement that Ross Jefferies started did not prevent other people from trying to apply the language patterns of NLP for persuasive and controlling purposes. This was the beginning of what is acknowledged as Dark NLP. Dark NLP, and literally everything that is either subtly or directly associated to it, has failed more than anything else in history in the art of persuasionand getting what you want. Dark NLP plainly is not effective, and there are countless reasons why it is not an effective style of persuasion. First, there needs to be an conventional clinical setting in order for the language patterns and ideology of Ericksonian Hypnosis to be successful. For example, the shark is very powerful, but you can't remove the shark out of the ocean and expect it to be powerful. This same principle pertains to Ericksonian Hypnosis.

When Dark NLP was created, the individuals who were practicing it were trying to use the power of Ericksonian Language Patterns beyond the clinical settings where NLP was effective. This just didn't happen then, it doesn't work now, and it can't work in the years to come. This shows us that several "persuasion gurus" are not promoting the appropriate tools and persuasion techniques to the masses of students who are listening to them. So, the only people whom Dark NLP profits are the misleading "shepherds" who are selling it as if it were something that was linked to hypnotic brain control.

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