Medicine for Gout

By Aneron Kepasil

Gout is an inflammation of joints. It causes painful swelling in bodys joints. Some of these affected joints are the big toe, wrist elbow, finger, knee, ankle, heel and the arch of the foot. For patients of this ailment, any form of movement is a Herculean task.

Dietary changes can alleviate gout symptoms also. Drinking a lot of water helps the body remove uric acid from the bloodstream. Dairy products, black cherry juice, and blueberries can also remove urate crystals from the body and uric acid from the bloodstream. Excessive vitamin C consumption elevates the levels of uric acid in and can contribute to the development of a gout toe.

Symptoms of a gout toe include intense pain, redness of the infected toe, and swelling of the infected area. A patient may think that he or she has broken his toe. The suspicion of a broken toe leads to him making a doctor's appointment. The doctor will quickly determine the real cause of the pain. Gout treatments include avoiding purine rich foods. The doctor will most likely give a gout patient prescription painkillers.

Alternative treatments of an acute attack of gout may involve bed rest, immobilization of the affected part and local application of heat or cold. Management of gout also may involve attempts to control the rate of uric acid formation by having the individual follow a low purine diet. Such a diet excludes sweetbreads, liver, kidney, poultry, fish, alcohol, rich pastries, and fried foods. To promote uric acid clearance by the kidneys, individuals with gout will usually be encouraged to drink fluids frequently.

There isn't an actual cure because the symptoms of gout are brought on by high blood levels of uric acid that crystallize and then form painful deposits in the joints. However, a healthy diet, combined with a healthy lifestyle and natural herbs that reduce the levels of uric acid in the blood, can make the symptoms of gout go away.

A natural solution for handling the symptoms of gout is Goutezol, a supplement that provides a natural and safe way of fighting gout, providing all the benefits of eating a large bowl of cherries in one capsule. Goutezol contains quercetin, celery seeds, mulberry tree extracts, and rutin, which are all-natural ingredients with a proven history of relieving the symptoms of gout.

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