The Counseling You Need

By James Pynn

Given the state of the economy as the 21st Century clears the decade mark, it may behoove many consumers and citizens alike to seek out some kind of credit advice and counseling. Though seeking help is anathema to many people, making an appointment need not be more worrisome or time-consuming as filling out an online form. To say the prudence of a few minutes can reap a lifetime of benefits is an understatement.

The key to making the most of your time with a licensed credit counselor is to be prepared. This entails having some key information and questions at the ready. First and foremost, make a definitive list of your income and your debts. This should include all your monthly bills and living expenses. Taking into account how much comes in will help you understand how much should be going out, so to speak. Be sure to write down any questions that come to mind before your appointment, as you will surely not remember when the time comes.

Underestimating how much money you spend in a given month is a common phenomenon. Make sure you delineate every expense -- do not fall prey to the ever-loving estimate. Take some time to review your bank and credit card statements. Credit counselors will need some very hard numbers in order to give you the best possible advice and service. The goal is to take everything into consideration and come out of this process with peace of mind and every bill paid.

If your income fluctuates from month to month because of freelance work or bonus schedules, average your income and expenses over a six-month span. The more accurate your numbers are, the better your chances of maximizing your time with a credit counselor. Having this information in hand before your first meeting with the credit counselor will mean you can move on to the advice portion of the meeting much faster.

Remember, there are no stupid questions. If you do not understand anything during your session, be sure to ask for clarification. A clear understanding of your financial situation is as essential as peace of mind. Indeed, one could argue the latter is impossible without the former. Making sure you can meet the demands of all your creditors while balancing your living expenses is what a licensed credit counselor excels at.

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