Good, Clear Goal Setting Helps To Clearly Define Your Road Map To The Hidden Treasure!...

By Ishmail Downes

I cannot stress the importance of goal setting enough. When you set goals, good clear and precise ones, you are, in a sense, drawing a road map that leads you to the hidden treasure! And of course, because of this, you become excited because you'll CLEARLY be able to see EXACTLY how to get to it!...

Leaving you to just have to follow the map.

"But goal setting is so hard", I hear you say...

Yeah I know, it can be, but as soon as you make it a habit, you'll become better and better at it, on top of that, you'll no long see goal setting as such a chore. It's just one of life's designs, have you noticed everything worthwhile achieving, ISN'T easy! I actually like when things are hard because it makes me feel that I'm on the right track, and I'm certainly weary of anything that's TOO easy.

The fact is, MOST people DON'T bother setting goals, and so it makes perfect sense that most people are NOT where they want to be in life. So, take my foolish advice...

Use the majority as a CONTRARY! In other words, do the opposite to what the majority would do. Obviously there are going to be exceptions to the rule!

In short, if you want to have the best possible chance of making a success of your life, you really should set goals, but...

Do you know what you want to be successful at?


Obviously, I would recommend everybody to carry out goal setting, but I must stress the importance of setting the right type of goals, in the right order. Put another way, it's important to prioritise your goals. Does that make sense? NO...

I better explain then...

It makes absolutely NO sense goal setting to achieve buying a car stereo, when you don't even have a car yet! I say this in reference to getting first things first, and this is never more so true, when it comes to planning out your DREAM life! I always urge people, before they set out to follow any type of self improvement strategies, to ensure that their foundational values are rock-solid because this effects everything you do!...

In short, make strengthening your foundations your FIRST priority, it might not sound fun, but it is incredibly worthwhile. I guarantee, you'll thank yourself for doing it, just don't forget who told you to do it! ;-)

Let's move on...

Any good plan, should have the following...

Your desired outcome or goal. Ideally this should be broken up into smaller goals, with each being clear and precise! For example, I want to be retired by the age of 40 with 2 million pounds in the bank and mortgage free. Attaining your goals should be logical, structured and more importantly, believable!

If you take anything away from this article, let it be this...

There is no goal you can set that is more important then living a meaningful, passionate, abundant life, PERIOD! You just need to work out what your life needs to entail so you can achieve this!

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