Learn About Guys And Dating Options

By Alan Bentley

So you are on the market. That last relationship certainly didn't work out, did it? Before you venture out into the big bad world again you must be wondering - just what is it with guys and dating in general? Are you missing something fundamental here or have you just had bad luck. Maybe it's time to think this through little bit before you set yourself up for a fall, again.

When you try and assess guys and dating environments ensure that you give yourself the best possible chance of success. This part of the process is entirely up to you as you have a clean sheet of paper. Make sure that you choose the appropriate venues to start your journey.

Find a great place for conversation as part of a regular, social environment for your first date. Ideally, you will want to try and engage in a healthy but not heavy conversation. Throw away those throwaway lines and talk about common interests, events or education -- no religion or politics!

Try not to choose one of those "happening" bars or neighborhood clubs as a venue when you are trying to crack the guys and dating code. Choose an environment where you don't have to yell and compete with a myriad of other distractions. Also, you won't want to start off your relationship on the wrong footing and you should avoid venues that are traditionally known as "pickup joints."

A great way to meet potential love interests is through the good efforts of a mutual friend. He or she may be able to set up a nice get-together " such as a cocktail party or a barbecue " and invite unattached guys. This is far better than the horrible blind date approach, as it is more natural and neither of you will feel unduly pressured. By simply attending and engaging in natural conversation during the course of the event, you will be surprised what kind of relationship you will be able to strike up. All of a sudden, guys and dating don't seem to be mutually exclusive.

Be neutral and natural when you are trying to figure out if guys and dating are for you. Don't be tempted to jump to conclusions, form assumptions or judge a book by its cover as you should be open-minded in all situations. In this way, you will appear as being very approachable and a much more likable person.

A lot of us have been through failed courtships and relationships and we tend to carry around a lot of baggage after doing so. Where at all possible leave this baggage at home and travel light, as this opens up a lot of new possibilities within the guys and dating arena.

Start your relationship off on the right footing by meeting your next potential lover in a neutral environment and at a no pressure location. Sure, it takes time to learn whether your would-be partner has a long list of bad habits, but you will be able to determine a lot over the course of a couple of regular dates.

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