The Meaning of Life in 3 Steps

By Jennifer Pereira, RD, LD, CSCS

Everyone is searching for the meaning of life, in some way or another. On day you wake up, and

in a panic you think: why am I here? Good question...if you never asked, you would be dying

with the feeling you never really lived. Use the following steps to get you started on your path to meaning:

1: Working through your past

You may think you do not need to work on your past, but it is necessary for healing. While not always easy, it is

crucial to your progress. It is time to end the anxious and depressed feelings that have been a part of your life.

Books and reflection can help you do this on your own, however you may benefit further using

a therapist. It may take a few tries to find the right person for you.

Step 2: Who are you?

You are under there somewhere, though you may be hard to find. It will require your attention to really discover

who you are. What are your favorite things, and why do you like them? If you react powerfully

to something, try to understand why. Consider what you liked as a child. Can you think of things that

made you feel excitement? If you are feelings lost in this world, remember you can't truly live

until you are truly found.

3: Getting consistent

Now that you know yourself better, it is time for rubber to meet the road. You are going to be making some important changes. It's possible

find people resist you making yourself a priority. It is critical that you be

true to yourself, and this requires you to do what you want. And have what you want.

And be what you want. Make your reality match your desires. You must do these

changes may be difficult, but the time to do it is now.

There are many perspectives on the meaning of life. Obviously, the most important aspect of life is meant

to be lived fully. It is not enough to just moved through the world in a trance. You cannot simply exist. You must be plugged into life so you

you can come to the end of it feeling you truly did live.

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