Recovery Time For Knee Liposuction

By Cheryl L. True

Liposuction of the knee is easy to perform. A very tiny cannula or tube is put into a small opening at the back of the knee. While the knee should be bent to make the procedure, it is vital to check the progress of fat removal by straightening the leg from time to time.

Healing time depends on the individual. Some people recover faster than others. In addition, with the correct type of treatment, recovery time can be minimized. To help the body heal quickly, doctors firmly wrap the affected area to reduce pain, swelling and bruising.

The physician may advise total bed rest for a few days to help the healing process. It is important to note that the knees bear the brunt of a person's weight so it is crucial that you remain in bed to avoid stressing your knees.

If you want to move around in the first few days after the procedure, it is best to utilize a wheelchair or a cane. To the greatest extent possible, try and keep the weight off of your knees to help facilitate the healing process.

If you have had tumescent liposuction on one of your knees, fluid might persist in draining from the point of incision for a few days. A situation like this might be pretty uncomfortable. In addition, the fluid might draw in bacteria that can result in an infection.

To ensure that you heal in no time at all, make the area clean at all times. If you use a special type of bandage to hide your legs, make it a point to change the dressing as often as possible. See to it that the bandage doesn't become wet since this might lead to an infection. You might want to consult your physician about the need to take antibiotics to minimize the risk of infection.

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