An Introduction To Astral Travel Books

By Raven Style

If you are looking for non-digital text to help you to learn more about astral travel, there are several astral projection books available for purchase that can aid you in your learning and your journeys. Each of these titles comes highly recommended from others who have read them and who have more than likely experienced successes using the tactics detailed in each book.

Astral Projection For Beginners by Edain McCoy is one such title. This book guides the reader and educates them in the ways of visiting various time periods, viewing ones Akashic records (records of the events a soul experiences in their past and future), how to visit deceased loved ones as well as one's spiritual guides, and how to heal yourself using spiritual power.

Mastering Astral Projection: 90-day Guide to Out-of-Body Experience by Robert Bruce is another title I would like to mention. Now, I personally am a bit wary of anything that promises results in a certain amount of time simply because everyone develops both physically and mentally at different paces. But, this book has received amazing reviews (an rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars), so this man must know what he is talking about to some extent.

Bruce is the creator of the well-known 'rope technique' involving the use of a ribbon to guide the astral soul out of the body with apparently no visualization. The book is apparently laid out like a workbook and follows a thirteen-week program. Personally, I wouldn't read a book on projection that sounds like a weight-loss plan, but 35 reviewers can't be wrong.

Another apparently popular title among spiritual travelers is Adventures Beyond the Body: How to Experience Out-of-Body Travel by William Buhlman. In this book, the author takes time to devote special attention to explaining away the typical fears that surround the thought of astral travel, and reinforces that everyone has the ability to have these controlled out-of-body experiences.

Buhlman also explains some of the common but possibly frightening things that occur during projection so those who may just be starting out down the road of astral voyaging will not be startled by these 'side effects' of projection.

If you'd like to take a broader look at projection, Astral Projection by Brad Steiger takes a different course of explanation. Rather than discussing ways in which an individual can willingly project, he describes all the manners in which people can project without trying.

Aside from direct projection, Steiger also discusses details pertaining to hypnosis, telepathy, doppelgangers and spirit guides, among many other things. I think this is a great book for a beginner so they may learn more about what they can do naturally before attempting to project intentionally.

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