Why Everyone Should Balance Their Chakras

By Jai Dahalli

It is a proven fact that optimal conditions are achieved only at a specific point where there is equality in the factors of the surroundings and the same applies to the energy circles or the chakras that bring in the spiritual energy into our bodies. Another fact of life is that every human being lives with an outer body and an inner self, and both are very important for survival.

In any act we perform it is important that both forms of our existence have the correct balance and can perform optimally. While food, air and water are the key elements for the survival and balanced growth of our physical body, the 7 chakras are considered to be responsible for the active functioning of our spiritual self and it is also important that we maintain the chakra balance.

Once you have performed the exercise of chakra cleansing it is crucial that you follow it up with the act of balancing your chakras. During the cleaning process you let off all the negative energy in your body and try to get in the positive energy which supposedly is generated by the actions of the planets and the heavenly bodies.

The overall flow of energy decides whether chakra balance has been struck as it is said to be the condition where in each chakra is balanced as well as the entire system is balanced. This also points to the fact that since all the chakras are balanced your body is fit and healthy and without any pain or disorders.

The impact of every chakra is on one of the crucial organs of the human body and for this reason it becomes essential to maintain individual chakra balance as an imbalance in even one chakra could mean that there is a possibility of malfunctioning of a particular critical organ and that can be fatal as well.

Water consumption and usage for various purposes plays a significant role in the determination of the chakra balance of the body and hence the fluid should be an important part of your day to day activities and diet.

As soothing as the colors are for our eyes, certain colors can also be soothing to the chakras. They play a definitive role in helping maintain the chakra balance and their introduction into your life can drive away problems caused by the particular chakra with which the color is associated.

Meditation is a very effective way of relaxing your inner body, while you sleep your physical body is at rest and it recharges itself to maintain the balance of energy in real world however in order to maintain chakra balance it is important that your spiritual self is also relaxed and can focus and refresh itself, meditation plays a defining role in providing the adequate amount of required rest to the soul.

Every human experiences the energy exchange with the heavenly bodies while in sleep as the body tends to go into a phase of partial meditation, this is very important cosmic energy that is used to revive the chakra balance.

It is very important that along with all activities to maintain chakra balance, an individual should also include adequate amount of exercising in his/her habits, this not only beneficial for the body parts but it also helps the re arrangement of the chakras physically. The duration of the exercise need not be long but then it should be strictly followed.

Various chakras are impacted by the kind of food you consume and hence it is very important to change your eating habits to healthy food so that the chakra balance is not disrupted. There are many illnesses that are caused due to the type of food consumed and hence you should be careful about your diet.

The chakra balance determines the kind and amount of work that a person can perform efficiently and therefore it is critical for an individual to maintain the correct balance.

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