Attitude And The Pursuit Of Happiness

By Lexi Delane

Having a proactive attitude in life helps in so many ways. A good outlook with a sense of hope for a better future is simple yet powerful. It helps to achieve more success and satisfaction in life.

Some people think that to be successful you have to be ultra competitive and step on others to reach your goals. But living in your own personal dog eat dog world causes lots of stress and hurting others causes unhappiness.

Enjoying life and achieving happiness and success are not mutually exclusive concepts. If you are unhappy, it may be that you are spinning your wheels going down the wrong path, or it may be that you are too stressed out.

We each have to find our own path with a heart. We each have to live towards fulfilling our purpose. When we don't live from a sense of purpose in life, we end up making poor choices that lead us away from happiness.

But where is happiness and how can you attain it? Most people seek it in the future. They wait for certain things to happen for them before they can say that they are happy. Being future oriented is good, but you can't put all you're eggs in that basket. You have to learn to also enjoy the moment.

Being present in the moment helps you to be proactive and to take steps that move you forward appropriately in life. You have goals and dreams and there are opportunities that arise from moment to moment that can help you to achieve them.

Finding and living from your purpose is also vitally important. Living towards or from your purpose will help you to have hope in a better future. In all the distractions of life it can keep you centered and peaceful.

Peace and a satisfying life is available to us at all times. We just need to live more in the moment and have a proactive attitude about getting to our best future.

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