Self-Hypnosis The SMART Way To Set Your Goals

By Rollo Janquers

Self-Hypnotism is where you hypnotise yourself in order to achieve a goal of some kind. It's not very hard to learn how to do. All you have to do is follow a series of simple steps. Then you just repeat these steps every day until your goal has been achieved.

Now the first and most important step is to set the goal you want to achieve. And the stronger you make your goal the easier it will be for self-hypnosis to help you achieve it

Why do you need to set a goal should you might ask? Well the answer is really very simple. Without a goal self-hypnosis just becomes meditation. Of course there is nothing wrong with meditation in fact it is very good for you. But we are talking about achieving something here.

One very good way to set a goal that is really strong is to use the S.M.A.R.T. way. What do the letters S.M.A.R.T. mean I hear you say and how can they help me set a goal? Well, S is for Specific. M is for Measurable. A for Affect. R equals Realistic. And T is for Time.

Now suppose for example you wanted to lose some weight. This is how you might create a strong goal using the S.M.A.R.T. system

Specific: a strong goal has got to be specific. The more specific you make your goal the easier it will be for self-hypnosis to help you to achieve it. So specific could be "I will shed exactly x pounds of my current weight".

Measurable: how do you measure your goal? Again by being specific! Using the weight example again you could say " on the (add an actual date) I will stand on my scales and see that I have lost exactly x pounds in weight.

Affect: your goal must effect your life in some way once you've achieved it. So you could say " I will feel fantastic and very proud of myself on the (date here) when I get on the scales and they show me I've lost exactly x pounds".

Realistic: it's very important to have a goal that's realistic if you want to achieve it. Like, "I know I will be able to shed x pounds by the (date) because I've checked out the height/weight tables and loosing x pounds will not be a problem".

Timed: you need to set specific date by when you want to reach your goal. You could say something like "I will have lost exactly x pounds by the ( add a date) when I stand on the scales and I will feel fantastic."

And that's it. S.M.A.R.T. and self-hypnosis will make it certain that you will achieve your goal.

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